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Cognitive Bias of Juvenile Sex Offenders Measured by An Emotional Stroop Task


Callous-unemotional (CU) trait and deviant sexual interest are two important factors underlying juvenile sex crime. We hypothesized that juvenile sex offenders with CU trait have more severe bias effect. This study involved 24 male adolescents who were placed on probation for sex crime and under custody of The Juvenile Protection Education Institution, Seoul, Korea. Based on K-ICU (Korean Inventory Callous-unemotional trait) score, we divided them into high ICU group (K-ICU score above median, N=12) and low ICU group (K-ICU score below median, N=12). Emotion stroop task was designed with DMDX. When different subject stimuli (sex-associated, aggressive, sexually attractive, positive emotional, negative emotional words) and neutral stimuli (neutral words) were presented one by one, the reaction time to tell the color of presented words was measured. In the stroop task using sex-associated words, bias scores (mean reaction time for subject stimulus - mean reaction time for neutral stimulus) was significantly larger in high CU group (57.50; standard deviation[SD], 70.78) than in low CU group (-16.58; SD, 48.07) (P=0.011). There were no significant difference in bias scores between two groups in other subjects stroop task. In conclusion, juvenile sex-offenders with high callous-unemotional traits tend to show selective attention to sex-associated stimuli.

정서 스트룹, 선택적 주의편향, 청소년 성범죄자, Emotional Stroop Task, Selective Attentional Bias, Juvenile Sexual Offenders



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