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The effect of gender and ambivalent sexism on the perception of dating violence


Although the severity of dating violence increases, research on dating violence remains scarce and most studies on dating violence focus on reporting demographics of dating violence. Perception of crime influences offender punishment and sentencing, as well as law making, therefore investigating perception of crime provide practical implications. The present study investigated perception of dating violence, including its severity and frequencies, and how gender and ambivalent sexism affects perception of dating violence. We gave a total of 203 participants scenarios regarding four types of dating violence(control behavior, emotional violence, physical violence, and sexual violence), and evaluated perception of severity and frequencies of dating violence. We conducted independent samples t-test, correlational analyses, and regression analyses to examine how gender and ambivalent sexism affected perception of dating violence. As a result, respondents perceived dating violence as considerably severe, and the difference by gender was found only in the severity of sexual violence against male victims. Male respondents evaluated sexual violence against male victims less severe than female respondents. Perception of frequencies of dating violence differed by gender of respondents: Male respondents perceived dating violence less frequent than female respondents did. Males displayed higher hostile and benevolent sexism attitudes than females. Furthermore, competitive gender differentiation, a sub-factor of hostile sexism, affected perception of frequencies of control behavior, physical violence, and sexual violence, and gender was highly related to perception of frequencies of emotional violence and sexual violence. Finally, we discussed practical applications and limitations of the study, and made suggestions for future research.

데이트폭력, 범죄에 대한 인식, 성차, 양가적 성차별주의, 경쟁적 성분화, dating violence, perception of crime, gender difference, ambivalent sexism, competitive gender differentiation



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